Top 3 ways to improve your breakfast

For some [horrible] reason, today’s breakfast has turned into a sugary, processed-carbohydrate, empty-calorie, fat-promoting mess.
Typical breakfast foods that most people now eat include:
• Skim Milk and a Sweet Cereal
• Toast and Jam
• Bagel and Cream Cheese
• “Breakfast Bar”
• Pancakes and Syrup (usually sugar-free/artificially flavored)
• 1 Egg with Toast
In most of these meals (other than the one with the egg), the primary ingredient is fast-digested carbohydrate, which does nothing to help you lose weight or have the energy you know you should have in the morning.
Rather, instead of eating whole balanced food for energy, people today rely on coffee (often with fat-free creamer and artificial sweetener – you don’t get more artificial than that), which is not good at all for long-term health or body composition.
Coach Keith