Healthy Holiday Eating Tips

gobbleEnjoying the Holiday Feasts While STILL Maintaining Fitness

Thanksgiving week: for many of us, this means travel followed by big family meals, couch time in front of televised football games, and indulging in an assortment of holiday pies and treats. Missed workouts, poor road food choices and holiday feasts can wreak havoc on healthy eating. How best to maintain fitness and resist the urge to splurge?

Per a previously published blog post, observing these 2 simple rules will serve you well.

Step #1: The 1/3 Rule

Most vacation-accumulated pounds are gained via constant overindulgence. Every meal becomes an opportunity to consume everything in sight to the tune of, “I’m on vacation!” I get it – it’s a special time of year, with extra-tasty food options to which you just can’t say no.

So don’t say no for 1 out of every 3 meals you eat. This means that for 1 meal each day, you get to go nuts! Enjoy the kinds of things that are usually off-limits, savor your faves, and do it 100% guilt-free. For your other 2 meals, keep things lean and green by loading up on lean proteins, green leafies and other vegetables, and of course, fruits. Take a pass on breads, grains, potatoes and sugary stuff. As always, drink lots of water and avoid caloric beverages.

Step #2: The Exercise Rule 

Every bit as important as the first one, this rule is actually a relatively easy one to follow. Make sure you do some form of exercise every day. This doesn’t mean you’ve got to hit the weight room, or even go to a gym. Just get your body moving at a good pace, and do it daily.

If you’ve got kids (yours or a family member’s), take ‘em to a park and challenge them to a game of football, soccer, or a high-speed game of follow-the-leader. Work in shuttle runs and a few flat-out sprints with a make-shift obstacle course. Kids can go, go and go some more, so trying to keep up with them is a great (and fun!) endurance-building exercise. Take advantage of the fitness options available where you’re spending your holiday. Consider hiking a trail, taking a swim in the ocean, or a bike ride through the neighborhood. Most towns have Turkey Trot 5K or 10K runs, the completion of which entitles you to that big Thanksgiving Day feast!

If you’re unable to find a vigorous activity that fits into your day, here’s a great body weight routine that can be completed relatively quickly:

20 push ups

30 seconds of jump squats

20 walking lunges

30 seconds of plank hold

30 seconds of rest

Repeat from the top 3 times

Observe both of these rules, and you’ll not only enjoy your vacation, but you’ll do so guilt-free with the knowledge that you’re maintaining your current weight and fitness level. So have fun, enjoy your holiday, and we’ll look forward to seeing you here at O3 upon your return!

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