Best Way to Warm Up Pre-Workout? Think Dynamic.

At O3, we’re long-time believers in the benefits of performing a good dynamic warmup before each training session. Research findings back our belief. When comparing the effects of dynamic vs. static warmups, dynamic beats static, hands down.

A Stephen F. Austin State University study showed significant strength impairment in subjects who did static stretching before weight training vs. those who did dynamic warmups. A study by Croatian researchers found that static stretching before workouts limited explosive movement and strength performance. A University of Nevada, Las Vegas report revealed that static stretching can actually weaken muscles by up to 30%.

Besides being fun and energizing, dynamic warmups prep the body for a productive workout, help prevent injury and improve strength performance by:

  • Properly loosening the muscles and tendons.
  • Improving the range of motion within the joints.
  • Increasing heart rate and blood flow, which literally “warms” you up.

Some folks think riding a stationery bike, running on a treadmill, or using an elliptical is a better warmup than static stretching, and, well, they’re right. But a complete dynamic warmup focuses on the ENTIRE body (vs. just the leg muscles and tendons, and hip, knee and ankle joints).

Here at O3, our warmups feature a variety of different, very specific moves designed to prepare your whole body, joint by joint. And that helps our clients get and stay fit and injury-free.

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