Why You Need Omega 3 Fats…

To many people, “fat” is one of those three-letter words that instills fear of heart disease, obesity, and a lifetime of bad hair days (I’m kidding about that last one… sort of). But one type of fat that has joined the popular crowd of nutrients such as amino acids and dietary fiber, is essential fatty acids.
Essential fatty acids (EFAs), have steadily become the new buzz word in nutrition for several important reasons. The biggest reason is its prefix, “essential.” Yes, fats in this category are something your body cannot make, but needs for survival and to prevent deficiencies.
This is in contrast to many other nutrients that your body can actually synthesize, like carbohydrates and some proteins. As such, EFAs must be obtained by eating certain foods and taking dietary supplements regularly.
You can think of them like water or calories; without either of these, your body will not function properly and will eventually suffer ill fates.
But what is it about EFAs that makes them so, well, essential?
And, what happens without them?
Finally, how can we get them in our diets and what are their benefits?
Continue reading to learn everything you need to know about this special class of nutrients
Committed to your success,
Coach Keith